Why is aspirin given during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women usually have to take supplements such as folic acid tablets, calcium tablets, iron tablets etc. But only in some special cases, the doctor can also prescribe other medicines in addition to these commonly taken pills. One such medicine is Aspirin. Aspirin, which belongs to the class of NSAIDs, is a drug commonly used to reduce blood clotting (Anti-platelet).

Special cases of giving Aspirin during pregnancy

• To prevent high blood pressure during pregnancy from developing into Pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy…..)

• To prevent frequent miscarriages

• For pregnant women with arthritis and autoimmune diseases• Diabetic and obese women

• Women with twin pregnancies• Women with kidney disease

• In elderly maternal pregnancies (above 35 years of age)

In the above cases, the specialist will decide whether or not Aspirin should be given. Aspirin is a suitable drug to use during pregnancy, it is important to take the prescribed dose at the prescribed time as per the doctor’s instructions. This can reduce the complications of the baby growing in the womb as well as the mother.

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