Endometriosis and delayed fertility

                Endometriosis, which causes inflammatory conditions in the pelvic cavity, has been identified as one of the many reasons that delay childbearing in women.Even though some women who come to our clinic are heartbroken due to delayed childbearing due to this condition. Even if childbearing is delayed due to this disease, with quick and correct treatment, such people can realize their dream of milk.

What is endometriosis?

Endometrium is the name given to the inner layer of the uterus. This layer consists of specific types of cells. In endometriosis, these specialized cells also grow in certain places outside the uterus. This causes inflammation in those places. And in endometriosis, especially in the pelvic cavity, the internal organs may stick together due to inflammatory conditions. This is known as Frozen Pelvis.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

Some people with this disease do not show any symptoms. But many people can detect pain in the lower part of the abdomen. This pain may occur before or during the menstrual period as well as between periods. Pain may also occur during intercourse, urination and defecation with the husband. Delayed pregnancy and abnormal growth of ovaries are also symptoms of this disease.

What tests are available to diagnose endometriosis?

If your doctor suspects you have endometriosis based on your symptoms and scans, you may need to undergo laparoscopy or open surgery to confirm it definitively.

What are the treatments for endometriosis?
The type of treatment depends on your symptoms. Painkillers are prescribed for pain and hormonal pills, intrauterine device (IUD), injections etc. are also used for treatment. For some patients, laparoscopic surgery, in which a small camera is inserted into the abdominal cavity, is used to diagnose and remove inflammatory conditions. What should you do if you have delayed fertility due to endometriosis? It is important to discuss with your specialist doctor and follow a suitable treatment method. Initially, laparoscopic surgery can be used to remove adhesions caused by pelvic inflammatory disease (Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis). And these adhesions can also be removed by getting the hormonal medicine called GnRH Analogues by injection. For such women, artificial insemination (IUI) treatment is a better method than natural intercourse.Many women wait months after having laparoscopic removal of adhesions around the uterus, stopping medical treatment and relying on natural intercourse. In this case, these adhesions increase again with time and pregnancy may fail again. Therefore, it is more advisable to consult the specialist immediately after the laparoscopic surgery and refer for IUI treatment. In advanced endometriosis, the ovarian reserve of eggs may decrease. In this case, donor egg IVF may be more appropriate. Therefore, if you have these symptoms, don’t worry about having a baby anymore, see your doctor immediately and learn about the possible treatment methods. Because many of these patients are already claiming child wealth. Therefore, do not give up your interest, seek treatment in this regard and follow the medical advice given to you properly, and try to achieve childbearing as soon as possible.
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